DA Homework 2

Task 0

Load dplyr and the flights data into R (you should install the nycflights13 package first).

## Error in library(nycflights13): there is no package called 'nycflights13'
## Warning in data(flights): data set 'flights' not found

Look at the description of flights data here in the flights section.

You can find a great tutorial about dplyr here. I highly recommend it.

Task 1

What was the average departure delay of the flights?

Task 2

What was the average departure delay of the flights landing in Anchorage (largest city in Alaska)?

Task 3

Where did the plane with the largest departure delay fly?

Task 4

What is the average departure delay by carrier? Which carrier delays the most? Which does the least?

Task 5

From which airport fly the most planes to Boston?

Task 6

Give the destinations of the flights with the largest arrival delays by month.

Task 7

Get the destinations of the three planes which arrived with the largest arrival delay relative to the distance.

Task 8

Which of the airports is associated with the largest departure delays on average? Is this ordering the same for each month?

Task +1

Watch this video and collect 3 positive (or negative) points about the presentation.